The question is not if we will know grief, but when.

And when it arrives on our doorstep - as it inevitably will -, whether we will be able to open our door and arms to it and greet it like an old friend.

Grief is part of life as much as breathing. And like many of us were never taught how to be consciously present with our breath, many of us were never taught how to be compassionately present with our grief.

We may have been told to heal from it. To get over it, deal with it so we can move on and return to normal. But we do not heal from grief - it is the grief that heals us. And as you know when you know grief like you do, it does not follow the regular pace of time. Grief has no expiration date. We do not move on from it, we move with it.

Wayfinders is not a program to help you get over your grief. Rather it is a gentle space in which to invite your grief in fully and explore the depths and shades of your grief. It offers companionship on your journey and a tender holding as you crumble and rise again.

  • A space to share your story and memories and be seen, heard and witnessed

  • An exploration, expansion and transformation of your relationship to and
    with grief

  • Resources & practices to support you and your nervous system through the inevitable storms

  • A guided exploration of all that has been affected by your loss, mapping how your internal and external landscape has shifted

  • Allowing the myriad of emotions that come with grief to surface and move you, so that you can begin to breathe again

  • Creating space for joy, light and aliveness alongside grief

  • Integrating your loss into your life in new ways and making it all mean something

What can you expect?


  • 8 online sessions of 1 hour each (live or online)

  • Journal prompts, practices and resources for at home

  • €555 (pay in full or in 3 instalments of €185 after your free exploration call)

  • €10 discount on a breathwork session if booked within the year

  • Personal pre-launch invitation to any upcoming retreats and rituals


  • Anyone who knows or has known grief (so: everyone). Anyone wanting surrender to grief. Wanting to transform their relationship with grief. Anyone wanting to welcome their grief with open arms and let it move them.

  • No. Whilst this offer will support you on your grief journey, it is not a substitute for professioal therapy or counselling. If you are unsure whether this offer is right for you at this time, feel free to fill out the form for an exploration call and we can find out if Wayfinders is what is most supportive for you right now.

  • All grief is normal. For most of us, the question isn’t if we need help, but whether we would like more support. Some will experience complicated grief - if this is the case, we will address it in the exploration call and tune into the level of support you need at this time.

  • The sessions can be in English or Dutch.

  • After booking your exploration call, we will decide on a day and time together.


- Carl Jung