Holding Space for What Hurts

grief rituals & retreats | breathwork | 1-TO-1 SUPPORT

“Grief is not an event, my dear, but a passage; a pilgrimage along a path that allows us to reflect upon the past from points of remembrance held in the soul.

At times the way is filled with stones underfoot and we feel pained by our memories, yet on other days the shadows reflect our longing and those happinesses shared.”

― Jacqueline Winspear

Grief is stitched into the fabric of being human. It's unavoidable, yet somehow, we talk about it in whispers, as if saying it out loud makes it too real. Faced with something we can’t fix, cure, or tidy up, we’re left scrambling—unequipped to ride the waves it brings. We rush, hoping to “get over it,” when really, grief isn’t something you endure; it’s a companion that quietly walks beside you, for the long haul.

At Grief Pilgrims, we’re here to walk with you through these uncharted lands. Maybe you're here because of the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the collapse of a dream, or a desire to heal the wounds of your inner child—whatever the reason, you’re welcome here. We’re not about fixing grief, because grief isn’t broken. We’re about honouring it, learning to walk with it.

We’ll have honest conversations, engage in somatic practices to reconnect you to your body, and create rituals that hold meaning for you. We’ll witness your grief with compassion and embrace the beautiful -and at times terrible- mess of being human. This is a space where grief isn’t rushed or shushed. Here, we slow down, and meet grief at its own pace—together.



Walking alongside you on your journey, helping you tend to your body, mind and soul as you travel.

Discover our one-to-one offer Wayfinders

retreats & events

Our grief asks to be witnessed. Journey and connect with others from all walks of grief.

Discover our upcoming retreat - autumn 2024

online programs & workshops

Circles, programs and practices you can join from the comfort of your own home.

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Our story

We live in a world that loves to fix, mend, and move forward. It’s all about reaching that next goal, healing that wound, getting to ‘better.’ It’s a pattern that helps us get things done, sure—but when it comes to grief, it leaves us terribly unprepared.

My grief journey started at 21, when I lost my mother. I was not prepared. The tools, the support—inside me and around me—just weren’t there. Grief swept in like a tidal wave, and for nearly a decade, I struggled to stay afloat. It took all those years to finally see the full breadth of my loss, to feel safe in my own body again, and to accept that grief isn’t something you 'get over.' It’s a companion, ebbing and flowing with the tides of life.

Grief Pilgrims was born from that long, solitary journey. From all the things I searched for, the gaps I felt, and the solace I found along the way. It’s a space for anyone who’s been touched by loss to slow down and honor the gentler pace of grief—a pace our fast, goal-driven world often overlooks.

Wherever you are in your grief, whatever your story—know that you’re welcome here. I hope you’ll feel that you don’t have to walk this road alone.

“Most of all, a pilgrim is someone abroad in a world of impending revelation where something is about to happen, including, most fearfully, and as part of their eventual arrival, their own disappearance.”

— David Whyte, Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words

Grief is not the epilogue of death. Rather, it is the quiet shadow of all of life’s big transitions.

The end of a relationship, the loss of a pet, a job, a home, the world as it was, a friendship, the physical or mental health of yourself or someone near you..

All grief is valid. And all grief is welcome.