Loving words

“Kim is curious, interested, and an excellent listener. A great observer, she asks the questions that matter, and doesn’t make assumptions. She always has deep compassion for others.”

- Nelleke

“I had the honor to be part of a grief ritual with Kim at a retreat in British Columbia. Kim’s presence and care is palpable in the lead up to ritual. Every detail has clearly been considered allowing myself and the other participants to fully relax into our process once in the ritual space. And this is where the magic happens. Thank you, Kim for holding such impeccable space for us to release our tears back into the land.”

- Jill, San Fransisco

“Kim feels very steady. She has a soft fierceness and a no-bullshit mentality. She is loyal and supportive and sincere in her efforts to support others. In all her work, she brings a wealth of knowledge, compassion, experience and love to the process of supporting people in their shifts in life.”

- Lonni